Ivar Sidorsson

Technical Artist + Game Programmer

Sootling Saga

Sootling Saga is a sidescrolling platformer. It was the first game project at The Game Assembly and was made in Unity. I was one of the few in my group with prior experience of Unity, so I assisted my other programmers as much as I could.

I was responsible for

  • Building/shipping
  • Checkpoints
  • Editor playtest tooling
  • HUD
  • Main menu
  • Pause menu
  • Settings menu
  • Scene transitions
  • Scores/pickups
  • Cutscene playback

I am particularly fond of the editor playtest tooling as I struggled to find a way to create temporary checkpoints that does not get saved in the scene yet still exists when the editor enters Playmode and triggers a C# assembly reload. I overcame this limitation by exploiting the editor preference system to create a checkpoint at startup if a editor preference bool was set.

I also learned how to add custom editor commands to the editor context menu. I managed to add a button to start playtesting from the location of any Transform-component inside the game. Achieving something like this is something I have wanted for a long time in Unity.